Friday, November 20, 2009

PSEG makes nice with New Haven for new peaking plant

PSEG is planning to install three 40MW natural gas-fired "peaking" plants on their existing site in New Haven's East Shore neighborhood. After a series of negotiations with community groups, they have agreed to a plan that promises to reduce net emissions in the area. This includes a half-million dollar program to retrofit city trucks with particulate filters. PSEG has also promised to reduce output from the much larger and dirtier oil plant (formerly one of the sooty six) for a net reduction while the peaking plants are running.

According to a joint press release:
The final agreement, reached after three months of negotiation, will supply the state grid with sufficient power while creating a net reduction in air pollution. Terms of the agreement include the existing, older diesel-powered New Haven Harbor Station using more natural gas instead of diesel to produce power, reducing plant idling time from 14 hours to 12 hours, and contributing $500,000 to the new East Shore Air Quality Account – a fund to be used to further reduce pollution in the area through initiatives such as retrofitting garbage trucks with particulate filters. These reductions will more than offset emissions from the new peaking plants that are being built.
Click here for the press release (via

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