Sunday, November 23, 2008

Biodiesel gets boost from state grants

Keep an eye out for more opportunities to buy biodiesel in CT. Seven grants of $50k apiece have been awarded to companies around the state to encourage distribution of renewable biodiesel fuel, which can be used for home heating and transportation. Click here for more info.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

This Saturday: New London Sustainability Fair

Learn about efforts to reduce energy consumption, increase recycling and support sustainable practices

SATURDAY, NOV. 8, 2008
10:00AM – 1:00pm
New London Science & Technology
Magnet High School
490 Jefferson Avenue, New London

Money saving tips for conserving energy
Valuable information for your family

GUEST SPEAKERS 11:30am – 12:00PM
Commissioner Gina McCarthy,
CT Department of Environmental Protection
Connecticut Light & Power

Sponsored by New London Sustainability Committee

For more info visit

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

CT reduces solar rebate

As federal tax incentives for solar installations lose their $2k cap, the CT Clean Energy Fund is lowering its subsidy.  CCEF says this reduction in benefit is a response to the increased federal aid and is meant to maintain the same percentage of out-of-pocket expense for the applicant. New rebates are shown below.
All images © 2007-2018 Bruce Crowder