Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Fight The Hike in Hamden

Grass-roots organization Fight The Hike has organized a meeting in Hamden to discuss three pending bills (5783, 5815, and 5819) geared towards re-regulating CT's electricity market and providing relief to the ratepayers. Click here for more information.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Thule HQ goes solar

Roof rack manufacturer Thule is installing a roof rack of their own -- a 318 KW solar system on top of their Seymour, CT Headquarters. The system will provide about 26% of the facility's power and will be funded by $1.3 million from the CCEF. $4,000/KW is not so bad for a solar installation -- usually $5-10k -- but it's not really clear if this is the entirety of the funding.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

New York says "No Thanks" to Broadwater

In a long-awaited decision, Albany has chosen to deny the first of several permits the LNG project requires from various New York State agencies. They "...found the project inconsistent with six of 13 criteria under New York's coastal zone management plan".

Good news for the opposition, but the war is likely to wage on in Federal courts. CT has no jurisdiction over the proposal as the facility would lie entirely on the NY side of Long Island Sound.

CT Sec of State Susan Bysiewicz put out this press release regarding the decision.
All images © 2007-2018 Bruce Crowder