Monday, November 1, 2010

"Exotic" wind turbine in Torrington

Not all wind is harnessed equally. Here's an interesting 150 KW wind turbine design by Optiwind and installed at a farm in Torrington.

Free energy analyses available for UI customers

The CT Energy Efficiency Fund is offering free energy use analysis and cost-saving tips to the first 6,000 United Illuminating customers to sign up. UI will supply "detailed" energy reports for one year, comparing your energy use (electricity only, I assume) to last year's usage and also in relation to similar homes in the area. They are promoting the program through facebook. Click here to sign up and get more information.

You help pay for this and similar programs through small charges on your electricity bill, so don't be shy about signing up!
All images © 2007-2018 Bruce Crowder